Tres puntos para tres libros.
1: Not All Cows are Equal
Las vacas saltan el charco y llegan a Estados Unidos
“Speaking of contemporary children’s books…after posting about Pablo Amargo’s sketchbook two weeks ago, I wanted to see more. So Pablo graciously sent over two of his books and an adorable t-shirt(!) which I already wore so it’s currently in the laundry. The title of this book translates to Not All Cows are Equal and seems to be about how all different cows like different things- lying in a meadow, playing hide and seek, playing jump rope, or looking at the reflection of the moon. (The eight years I took Spanish throughout elementary and high school paid off enough for me to barely translate these short sentence on each page.) The last page (I think) says that all cows when they are small love to hear their mom tell them stories. I can just imagine some little kid saying- mom, I’m just like the cows! Pablo’s illustrations are amazing. […]”
leer todo el artículo.
Julia Rothman
2: Perros nominado y Osos seleccionado
Premios Visual 2008
Los libros Osos de cuento y Perros de la calle han sido respectivamente nominado y seleccionado en las categorías “libro infantil” e “ilustración” de los premios Visual 2008.
3: Postulado
Banco del libro de Caracas
El libro Perros de la calle ha sido postulado por el Banco del libro de Caracas.